Property: inorganic cadmium pigments red, orange and yellow

Pigment compositionCAS und Klassifizierung GHS
Cadmium sulfphoselenidRot PR-10858339-34-7 (nicht klassifiziert)
Cadmium sulphoselenidOrange PO-2012656-57-4 (nicht klassifiziert)
Cadmium ZinkslufidPY-358048-07-5 (nicht klassifiziert)
Cadmium pigment yellow and light orange consist of stable compounds of cadmium and zinc sulphide, while the dark orange and red are based on the composition cadmium sulphoselenide. In both cases, barium sulphate may be present as an adjusting agent and alternatively explicitly excluded.
1. Information about the specific properties of the pigments, including any potential health or environmental risks associated with their use.

2. Information about the specific applications for which these pigments are used.

3. Information about any potential alternatives to the pigments mentioned in the content.

4. Information about the availability and cost of these pigments.